The Unified C4 List

compiled by

Kathy Godfrey

The Unified C4 List in ASCII format.

Hard copies: $2.00 by hand/$3.00 mailed flat/free to contributors The list can be gotten free by anonymous FTP from, in the file unified.05.1995 in the directory misc/c4/call-lists.

Fifth Edition: May 23, 1995 (corrected typos)

© 1995 Katherine Godfrey

Permission is hereby granted to copy this document for personal use provided that both the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved.


This list is the union of the calls found in the following lists:

My thanks to the above folks for providing the source materials, especially to Clark Baker, whose list provided the template for this. Any mistakes are of course my own responsibility, and I'd appreciate hearing about them. I plan to have further editions to reflect future changes.

Concepts with multiple names are cross-referenced. In an effort to keep the number of lines from expanding further than necessary, similar calls are often listed on the same line (such as Any Tagging Call To An Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond | Z). In such cases, not all callers listed may use all possible listed variations.

A list of calls recently moved to the C3 and C3A lists appears at the end. Calls listed only in Sue Curtis' C3X definitions are listed separately at the end.

Each call has a code to indicate which callers use it. Each caller is represented by last initial, as follows:

Changes for the Fifth Edition:

Updates on new concepts.

CALLERS: If you would like to be included in future editions, please send me a copy either of your personal call list, or a suitably edited copy of this list.

*C*LR*1 x N Solid Concept
*C*LRW1 x Nsome Concept
BCJLRWM x N Concept
e.g. 2 x 1 Quick Wrap, MxN Beau/Belle Tie, MxN Checkmate The Column, MxN Mark Time, MxN Transfer The Column, MxN Turn Away
*CJLR*M x N Matrix Concept
****R*(M x N)some Concept
[where (2x2)some would be Boxsome]
*C*LRWNsome Concept
[Note: The N may mean the (M x N) of (M x N)some.]
BC*LRWN Matrix Concept
e.g. 12 Matrix, 16 Matrix, 36 Matrix
BC**RW1/4 | 3/4 Cross
BCJLRW1/4 | 3/4 The Alter
*C*LR*1/4 Wheel To A Diamond | Hourglass| Interlocked Diamond
BCJL*W3/4 The Deucey
*C*LR*3x1 Concept
*C**R*3x1 Diamond Concept
BC*LRW3x3 Concept/4x4 Concept/NxN Concept
BC***W4 Phantom Interlocking Blocks Concept
****R*6x2 Concept
B*****8 Roll Away With A Half Sashay
BCJLRWAdvance To A Column (Finish)
*C*LRWAll 8 Concept
B**LRWAll 8 Recycle Variations
e.g. All 8 Cross Cycle, All 8 Cycle And Wheel
BC*LRWAlter The Diamond
*C****Alternate From A To B
BC*LRW(Right/Left) Anchor
*C**R*Anchor The Anyone
BC*LRWAny Hand Concept
BCJLRWAny Scoot Back Call And Scatter
e.g. Flip Back And Scatter, Vertical Tag Chain Thru And Scatter
BCJLRWAny Scoot Back Call [And Scatter] (Cross) Reaction
BCJLRWAny Scoot Back Call [And Scatter] (Cross) Reactivate
BC*LRWAny Scoot Back Call [And Scatter] (Cross) Nuclear Reaction
BC*LR*Any Tagging Call 3/4 And Trade
e.g. 3/4 Flip And Trade
BCJ*RWAny Tagging Call And Spin
e.g. Flip And Spin, Track And Spin
BCJLRWAny Tagging Call Back And Dodge
e.g. Flip Chain Thru And Dodge
BCJLRWAny Tagging Call Back To A Wave
BC*LRWAny Tagging Call Er's Dream/Nightmare
e.g. Loop And Tagger's Nightmare
BC*LRWAny Tagging Call Er's Flow (Cross) (Criss Cross)
BCJLRWAny Tagging Call Eroo
e.g. Tag The Star'eroo, Flipperoo, Switcheroo
BCJLRWAny Tagging Call To A Diamond
e.g. Cross Flip To A Diamond, Track To A Diamond
*C*LR*Any Tagging Call To An Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond | Z
*C*LR*Any Tagging Call Your Neighbor
*C*LR*Any Tagging Call Your Criss Cross Neighbor
*C*L**Any Tagging Call Your Cross Neighbor
*C*LR*Anyone Hop/Cross Hop
BCJLRWAnything An Anchor
BC**RWAnything And 1/4 More
***LR*Anything And Hinge a.k.a. Anything The Hinge
***LR*Anything And Pass
*C*LR*Anything The Key [Turn The Key is now C3]
*C*LRWAnything The [Fan The] Top
e.g. Hinge The Top
BC*LR*Anything The Wave
Peel, Trail, Clover, Loop And Tag, Peel and Trail
BC*LRWAnything To A Diamond
Chain Reaction, Reactivate, Coordinate
*C****Arced Wave/Line Setup
*C**R*Arky Concept
*C**R*Back To Back Setup/Front To Back Setup Concept
*CJLRWBarge The Action
BCJLRWBarge Thru
BCJLRWBarrel Of Fun
B***R*Beau/Belle/Anyone Cross
BCJLRWBeau/Belle Tie (Cross)
BC*LRWBeep Beep
*C**R*Bent Wave/Line
BC***WBias Trade Circulate
BCJLRWBits And Pieces
B**LRWBrace Yourself
BC*LRWBreak The Alamo
BCJLRWBridge The Gap
BCJLRWBring Us Together
BC*LRWBuckle And Anything
BCJLRWCast An Anchor/Anything An Anchor/Cast An Anchor But
B****WCast Away
BC*LRWCenters Cut Out
B*****Centers Out
B*****Centers Thru And Close The Gate
*C*L**Chain Reaction But (Cross)
B*****Chain The Glade
*C**R*Change J's | Z's
BCJLRWChange Lanes
BCJLRWChange O/Reverse Change O
BC*LRWChange The Apex
BC****Change The Web
*C*LRWChase Used As A Tagging Call
*C****Checker Diamond
B**LRWChip Off
BC***WCircle To A Two-Faced Line
B*JLRWClean Sweep (n/4)
BCJLRWClear Out/Anything Clear Out e.g. Bias Trade Clear Out
BC*LRWClear The Centers
B*****Clear The Way
BC*LR*Clover The Horn (Cross)
B**LRWCloverleaf Turn
BCJLRWCollapse The Setup
BCJLRWCommon Spot Formation Concept
*C*LR*Complete The Tag
BC*LRWConcentric Variations:
Grand Single Concentric Concept
Grand Single Cross Concentric Concept
Single Concentric Concept
Single Cross Concentric Concept
BC****Concentric Triple Box Concept
BCJLRWConnect The Diamond
BC*LRWContinue To Invert (Cross)
BCJLRWContour The Line
BC*LR*Convert The Triangle
B*JLRWCooperate/Cooperate But/Anything Cooperate (But)
e.g. Split Counter Cooperate
B*****Corners Change 1/4, 1/2, 3/4
BCJLRWCounter Point/Cross Counter Point
BCJLRWCounter Shake (Single)
BCJLRWCover Up/Cover Up But/Anything Cover Up (But)
Trade Cover Up
BC*LRWCrazy Phantom C/L/W Concept
BCJLRWCreate A Column
B**LR*Create A Diamond
*C*LR*Criss Cross Follow To A Diamond
BC*LRWCriss Cross The Diamond
*C****Criss Cross Wind The Bobbin
BC*LRWCross And Divide
BC**RWCross Breed Thru
*C*LR*Cross Cloverleaf
BCJLRWCross Cycle (Facing Couples)
*C****Cross Drop
*C*L**Cross Extend
BC*LR*Cross Follow Thru
BC****Cross Horseshoe Turn
B**LRWCross Linear Cycle
BCJLRWCross Lock It
BC*LR*Cross Lock The Hinge/Hinge The Cross Lock
BC*LRWCross Sashay
*C****Cross Scoot And Weave
B**L**Cross The Ocean
BC***WCross The Top
BC*LRWCross To A Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond
BC*LRWCross To A Wave
B*JLRWCross Town Roll
*C****Crossed Triple Box Concept
BCJLRWCurl Apart
BC****Curli Cross
B*****Curli Cross The Top
BC****Curli Pass
BC****Curli Wheel
BC*LRWCurve In/Out Left/Right
B**LRWCut Across
*C**R*Cut The Anything (a la Cut The Galaxy);
e.g. Cut The X, Cut The O
*C*LRWCycle And Anything
e.g. Cycle And Ferris Turn And Deal
BCJLRWCykick (Cross)
*C*L**Delete Concept
BC*LRWDeuces Wild
*C****Diagonal 1/4 Tag Concept
BC*LR*Diamond Concept
Diamond Swing Thru
BC*LR*Diamond Concept with partnership moves
Diamond Single Wheel
BC*LR*Diamond Inlet/Outlet
B**LR*Diamond Recycle
*C*LRWDistorted Setup Concept
e.g Distorted Interlocked Triangle, Reshape The Triangle
BC****Divide And Pair
B**L**Dixie Chain
BC*LRWDixie Daisy
BC*LRWDixie Derby
*C**R*Dixie Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond
BCJLRWDixie Spin
BCJLRWDouble Down (Cross)
BC**R*Double Offset 1/4 Tag Concept
B**LRWDouble The Wave
BCJLRWDouble Your Pleasure (Cross, Criss Cross)
****R*Duplicate Concept
e.g. Duplicate The Centers

B*JLRWEasy Does It
BC*LRWEnds Cut In
*C*LR*Exchange The Setup (with fractions)
B****WExplode The Clover

*C**R*Facing Parallelogram Concept/Facing (Formation) Concept
BCJLRWFall Into A Column
BCJLRWFan The Gate/Fan The Gating Anything
BC*LRWFan And Cross Thru
B*****Ferris Anything
*CJ**WFerris Trade And Wheel
B*J***Fiddle Around
*C*LR*Finally (Concept) Concept
BCJLRWFinish Anything
e.g. Finish Advance To A Column
[not to be confused with "finish" used in directional cueing, as in "finish in normal lines."]
BC*LRWFinish The Stack
BCJLRWFirst Choice
*C****First Anything
BC*LRWFlare The Star
*C****Flip The Anything
e.g. Flip The O, Flip The X
B*****Fly Away
BC*LRWFollow And Cross/Follow And Criss Cross
BCJLRWFollow The Yellow Brick Road/Any Tagging Call The Yellow Brick Road
BC*LRWFollow The Yellow Bricking Anything/Any Tagging Call The Yellow Bricking Anything
BCJLRWFollow To A Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond (Cross) (Criss Cross)
B**LRWFractional Chain And Circulate In
e.g. 1/4 Chain And Circulate In
BCJLRWFractional Stable Concept
e.g. 1/4 Stable Concept, 1/4 Stable Recycle
BC*LRWFractional Twosome Concept/Fractional Solid Concept
e.g. Tandem 1/4 Twosome Swing Thru
BCJLRWGo First Class
[usually meaning Grand Working somehow],
e.g. Grand Cross Roll, Grand Run Wild, Grand Spin The Top
BCJLRWGrand Working/Grand Working as Centers/Ends
B*J**WGruesome Twosome Concept
*C*LR*H Formation
BCJLRWHang A Left/Right (Single)
B*JLR*Hang Loose
BC*LR*Head/Side Liners Naming Convention
B*****Here Comes The Wave
(as in In Roll To A Wave)
BC*LRWHinge And Trade (Single)
[seldom used non-Single]
BC*LRWHinge By
B*JLRWHit The Wall
BC*LR*Hop The Lock/Top
BCJLRWHot Foot Spin
B*****Hourglass Inlet/Outlet
*CJLRWI-J-K 1/4 The Alter
BCJLRWI-J-K-L 1/4 The Deucey
e.g. 1-3-2-1 1/4 The Deucey
*C*LR*I-J-K Alter And Circulate
*C****I-J-K-L Change The Web
*C*LR*I-J-K-L Relay The Top
BC*LR*Ignore Concept
****R*In Anything, Out Anything
e.g. In Ferris 1/2 Tag, Out 2/3 Recycle
BCJLRWIn/Out/Zoom Roll To A Wave
BC*LR*Initially (Concept) Concept
B**LR*Inner/Outer Active Naming Convention
*C****Inner/Outer Code
BC*LR*Interlace Concept
BC*LRWInterlocked Boxes Concept
*C****Interlocked Extend (from a 1/4 tag)
*C****Interlocked (Formation) Concept
BC*LRWInterlocked Parallelogram Concept
**J*R*Interlocked Scoot Chain Thru
*C*LR*Interlocked Scoot The Diamond
***LR*Interlocked Turnstyle
BC*LRWInvert Concept
[interchange ends' and centers' parts] e.g. Invert Acey Deucey
BC*LRWInvert Used As A Tagging Call
e.g. Invert Your Leader, Invert Your Neighbor
BCJLRWKick The Habit
*C****L Concept
B*JLRWLead The Class
B**LR*Lead The Way
B*****Left And Right Thru
*C****Left On
[=Mirror Right On]
*C*LR*Lift Off But
BC*LRWLike An Anything
e.g. Like A Recoil, Like A Couple Up, Like A Patch,< Like A Squeeze [sort of, anyway] [Note that some callers may prepend the word "Finish" as a quasi-cue; do not be misled into taking that to mean the same as the Finish Concept. Note that Like A Rolling Ripple is not like Like used with other calls. Finally, note that there is another Like applied by some callers to setups instead of calls, as in Like A Rigger.]
*C****Line Of 3 Concept
e.g. From a line of 3, Wheel And Deal, Turn And Deal
*C**R*Linear Action But
*C***WLinear Action But Cross It
B*J***Linear Flow (Cross, Criss Cross)
BC*L*WLines Walk In/Out
BCJLRWLock 'Em Up/Anything 'Em Up
BC*LRWLong Trip
BCJLRWMake A Pass (But, Cross)
BCJLRWMark Time (Split = Single)
BC*LRWMatrix Concept
e.g. Matrix Change Your Image, Matrix Expand The Column
*C*LRWMini Butterfly Concept
***LRWMini O Concept
BC*LRWMini Pleasure (Cross)
*****WMix And Mingle
BC*LRWMix The Line (Single)
*C****Mixed Up Anything/Split Mixed Up Anything/Split Mixed Up Square Thru
B**LR*More Or Less Anything
e.g. More Or Less Peel And Trail
****R*Move Out -- a.k.a. Unwrap
BC*LRWMultiple (Formations) Working (Direction)
BCJLRWMystic Concept
*C*LRWNear/Far Concept
BC*LRWNice And Easy
B*JLRWNip And Tuck
*C*LR*Offset Setup
*C**R*Opt for a
***LR*Orbit Board/Twin Orbit Board
*C**R*(Right/Left/Twin) Orbit Circulate
BC*LRWOverlapping Diamond Concept
*C**R*OX Setup
BC*LRWPair The Line (Cross)
*C****Parallelogram Blocks
B*****Partner Hinge
**J***Pass And Roll The Axle
BCJLRWPass The Top
B**LR*Pass To The Outside
BC**RWPeel And Trail The Deal/Trail And Peel The Deal
*C*LRWPhantom 1/4 Tag Concept
BC*LRWPhantom As Couples/Tandem Concept (Twosome)
****RWPhantom C/L/W Concept (From A Parallelogram)
BCJLRWPhantom Box Concept (Interlocked)
BC*LRWPhantom Diamond Concept (Split, Interlocked)
B***RWPhantom Interlocked 1/4 Tag Concept
*C**R*Phantom O/Butterfly
*C*LR*Phantom Offset C/L/W Concept
BC*LR*Piecewise Concept
BC*LRWPlus 1/Plus 2/Plus N Lateral Concept
*C*LRWPrefer(red) Concept
B**LR*Press For Time
BC*LRWPush Open The Gate
BC*LRWQuadruple Formation Concept
BCJLRWQuick Change
BC*LRWQuick Wrap
*C*LR*Randomize Between Concept A And Concept B
BCJLRWRelay The Diamond
*****WRelay The Shadow To A Diamond
BCJLRWRelay Your Pleasure
*CJLRWRelocate The Setup
BC*LRWRemember The Alamo
*C*LRWReplace Concept
BCJLRWReplace The Column (Cross) (But)
BC****Retreat The Line
BC*LR*Reverse Crazy Concept
*C*LR*Reverse Cut/Flip The Hourglass | Triangle | Anything
*C***WReverse Explode (Line)
BC*LRWReverse Order
[some callers will prepend the word "In" as a quasi-cue]
*C*LR*Reverse Random Concept
e.g. Reverse Random Tandem
BC****Reverse Stack The Line
B**LRWReverse The Diamond
BC*LR*Rewind Concept
BCJLRWRide The Tide
BC*L**Right/Left Roll The
B**LRWRigger Concept (In/Out, Left/Right, Front/Back)
B*****Right And Left Roll
B**LRWRip The Line
BC*LRWRoll 'Em
BCJLRWRoll Out The Barrel
BCJLRWRoll Out To A Column
B**LRWRoll The Wave
BC**R*Round Off
B*****Round And Cross
BC*LRWRound The Horn
BCJLRWRun Away (Cross)
*C****Run By
BC*LRWRun The Top (Cross)
BCJLRWRun The Wheel
B**L*WSashay Thru
BC*LRWScoot Apart (Cross) (Criss Cross)
B*****Set Your Pace
BC***WSets In Motion Plus 1/Plus 2
B**LRWSettle Back
BC*LRWShadow Setup
e.g. Shadow Box, Shadow Diamond (Cross)
BC*LR*Shadow The Column (Criss Cross)
BCJLRWShadow To A Diamond (Cross, Criss Cross)
***L**Shift N Concept
B**LRWShip Ahoy
BCJLRWShort And Sweet
BC*LRWShort Cut
BCJLRWShort Cycle
BC*LRWShort Trip
*C*L*WShuffle And Wheel
BC***WShuffle The Deck
BC*LRWSingle Shuffle
BC*LRWShuttle In/Out Left/Right/Anything
B**L**Siamese Breakdown
BC*LRWSingle Concept
e.g. Single Shakedown, Single Shake And Rattle, Single Hinge And Trade
BCJLRWSingle File Concept
e.g. Single File Recycle, Single File Recoil
BCJLRWSingle Scoot And Trade
[listed separately because Scoot And Trade not used]
*C*LR*Skew Concept
BC*LRWSkewsome Concept
B**LR*Melded Skewsome Concept
B**LRWSlim Down
BC*LR*Snag Anything
e.g. Snag Acey Deucey
B**LRWSnag Circulate
BCJLRWSnap Crackle And Pop
BC*LRWSnap The Diamond
BC*LRWSnap The Tag
B*****Sock It To The Wave
BCJLRWSoft Touch/Soft Anything
BC*LRWSolid Concept
a.k.a. Working As A Unit Concept
BCJLRWSpin A Wheel
BCJLRWSpin Back/Fan Back
*C*LR*Spin Chain And Anything/Anything And Anything/Diamond Chain And Anything
BC*LRWSpin Chain And Circulate In/Fan Chain And Circulate In/ n/4 Chain And Circulate In
B**LRWSpin Chain And Circulate The Gears
BCJLRWSpin Chain The Star
BC*LRWSpin Tag The Deucey
BC*LRWSplash In/Out Left/Right/Anything
*****WSplit And Cross
[Ben R. and Lynette B. believe this to be A2 as "<> And Cross"]
BCJLRWSplit Cast/ n/4 Split Cast
BC*LRWSplit Phantom 1/4 Tag Concept
(in a 3 by 8 matrix)
*C*LRWSplit Phantom 1/4 Tag Concept (in a 6 by 4 matrix)
BC*LRWSplit Phantom C/L/W Concept
(From Parallelogram) [CMB: believed to be part of c3!]
BCJLRWSplit Phantom Diamonds
(by extension from S.P. 1/4 Tags in a 3 x 8)
*C**R*Split Phantom Diamonds
(by extension from S.P. 1/4 Tags in a 6 x 4)
B*****Split Phantom Parallelogram C/L/W Concept
*C****Split Phantom Setups
B*J**WSplit The Difference
BCJLRWSquare Out
B**LRWSquare The Barge (n/4)
B****WSquare The Bases Plus 2
BCJLRWSquare Turn Thru
BC*LRWStack The Wheel
*C**R*Staggered Box/Wave/Column/Single 1/4 Tag Concept
BC*LRWStandard Concept
BCJLRWStar To A Wave
*CJLR*Start A Concept
BC****Step And Anything
BCJLRWStep Lively
BC****Steps At A Time Variations: (Criss) Cross Steps At A Time
BCJLRWStimulate The Column/Anything Stimulate
B**LRWStraight Away (Cross, But)
BCJLRWStraight Fire
*C****Stretched Formation Concept
e.g. Stretched Diamond, Stretched Triangle
BCJLRWStrike Out
*C*LR*Strip The Formation
BCJLRWStroll And Cycle
BCJLRWStroll Down The Lane
BC***WSwap The Windmill (Cross) (Reverse) (Reverse Cross)
B*****Swat The Flea
BC*LR*Swing About
BCJLRWSwing Chain Concept e.g. Swing Chain The Line
BC*LRWSwing To A Column
*****WSwitch Back
BC*LRWSwivel (Cross)
B**LR*Tag Circulate
BCJLRWTag The Star
BC*LR*Tall Six/Short Six Concept
*CJLRWTally Ho But
B*JLRWTap The Anyone
B*****Teacup Like A Daisy Chain
BC*LRWThe Action
e.g. Stretch Recycle The Action
B*****The Boat
BCJLRWThe Difference
*C****Tip Toe
***LRWTouch 1/2, 3/4
BCJLRWTouch And Go
BCJLRWTouch Of Class
BCJLRWTouch Tone
*C****Tow Truck
BC*LRWTrace Concept/Interlocked Trace Concept
BC*LRWTrack 0 1 3 4
*C****Track And Trade/Track And Anything
e.g. Track And 1/4 Thru, Track And Bingo
*C***WTrade Counter Rotate
BC*LRWTrade Your Neighbor/Cross Trade Your Neighbor
BC*LRWTrail And Peel
BC*LRWTrail Instead Of Peel Concept
e.g. Trail The Top
*C****Trail The Bobbin
BCJLRWTrans Anything: Trans Cross Chain Reaction, Transaction, Transactivate, Trans Cross Reactivate
*C*LR*Triangle Calls
*C****Triangular Box Concept
BC*L*WTrim The Web
BCJLRWTriple Cast
BC*LRWTriple Formation Concept
e.g. Triple Z Concept, Triple Column Concept
*C**R*Triple Play But
BC*LRWTriple Trade
B**LRWTriple Turn
BC*LRWTriple Twin C/L/W Concept
B**LRWTriple Wheel/Single Triple Wheel
BC*LRWTrixie Spin
BC*LRWTunnel In/Out/Left/Right/Thru/Anything
*****WTurn And Flip
BC*LRWTurn And Left Thru
BC*LRWTurn And Q
BC*LRWTurn And Weave
B**LRWTurn By
BCJLRWTurntable (Centers Go As You Are)
*C**R*Twin Setups Identification
***LRWTwin Parallelograms
*C*LRWTwin Phantom Quarter Tags
a.k.a. Split Phantom Quarter Tag [in a 6x4 matrix]
BC*LRWTwin Phantom Tidal Waves
*C**R*Twice/Thrice Removed
****R*Unwrap Concept (Move Out)
e.g. Someone, Take Your Formation, Use Some-Call, Unwrap Some-Number
BC*LRWVeer And Turn
BCJLRWVertical Turn And Deal
BCJLRWWalk Out To A Column
BCJLRWWalk The Clover
*C*L**Walk The Cross Clover
BCJLRWWalk The Plank/Anything The Plank
BC**R*Wheel Fan And Cross Thru
BC*LRWWheel To A Diamond | Hourglass | Interlocked Diamond
BCJ*RWWheel To A Line
*C*L**Who's On First
BCJLRWWind The Bobbin (Criss Cross)
BCJLRWWith Finesse
B***R*With Magnetism
BC*LRWWorking As A Unit Concept
a.k.a. Solid Concept
*C****X Concept
BCJLRWYo Yo Concept
e.g. Yo Yo Change The Centers,Yo Yo Relay The Top
[Note: Some callers may use Relay The Yo Yo for Yo Yo Relay The Top, and Spin The Yo Yo for Yo Yo Spin The Top.]
*C****Zing N
****R*Zing A Ling
*C****Zoom N
BC*LRWZoom Roll Circulate

The following calls and concepts have recently been moved to the C3A or C3 list (as of the January 1993 revisions):

1/4 Wheel The Ocean/Sea
Any Scoot Back Call Reaction
Any Scoot Back Call Reactivate
Any Tagging Call Chain Thru
Any Tagging Call Delight
Any Tagging Call Dilemma
Any Tagging Call The Top
Any Tagging Call Your Leader
Anythinger's Choice
Back To Back/Front to Back J's
Flare Out To A Line
Loop And Tag
Mirror Concept
Nuclear Reaction (Cross)
Open Up The Column/Open Up And
Quick Anything
Random Concept Call e.g. Random Twice, Random As Couples
Reverse Checkpoint
Single Concept
Single File Recycle
Single File Recoil
Split Phantom Boxes Concept
Split Sidetrack
Switch Your Leader
Trail Chain Thru
Triple (Formations) Working (Direction)
Turn The Key

The following calls are listed only in Sue Curtis' C3X Definitions
of August 1992:

Cast A Shadow (from columns)
Count Your Blessings
Couplet Concept
Cross Roll To A Diamond
Deflate The O
Double Play
Good And Plenty/Good And Little/Good And Little More
Grand Erase
Grand Walk And Dodge
Heads/Sides Step Right
Increasing/Diminishing Diamonds
Linear To A Neighbor
Magic Walk Out To A Column
Pick And Choose
Progressive Triangles Concept
Reduce The Column
Retain Your Lane
Right And Left By
Splice It
Stepping Out
Sterling Chain Thru
Traveling Apex

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Lynette Bellini

Last Modified: February 22, 1996