Mental Image Practice

The idea here is to mentally dance thru these situations, describe the overall ending matrix, then describe your place in it. My purpose is to focus not only on how one person executes a call but also to see how the overall matrix changes shape.

Things to keep in mind when using these:

1. There's no guarantee that any one of these calls could actually be danced by a real square of eight people from the given beginning setup and have everyone end on a unique spot.

2. There certainly are more ways to describe your place in the ending setup than the one given.

3. The words I use to describe my final position are only intended to describe my position, that is just one position in a 16 matrix. It shouldn't be generalized to the entire setup. For example, if I say I end as a trailing center of right hand waves, it shouldn't be assumed that everyone ends in right hand waves.

You are: The call is: The ending matrix and your place in it is:
1 Center belle of an 8 chain thru, columns wide apart Interlocked lines, tandem, stable, hinge 2x8, #7 in lh cols
2 #2 in a lh col Quadruple boxes working apart, tandem twosome, revolve to a wave like a recoil 2x8, #7 in lh cols
3 Trailing end of rh 2-faced lines Inter. lines, tandem twosome, wheel and deal 2x8, #7 in rh cols
4 #2 in lh cols Phantom tandem twosome cols loop and tag chain thru 2x8, lead center in lh 2-faced lines
5 Center beau in 8 chain thru setup Interlocked column jam thru 2x8, #8 in lh cols
6 Right end of facing lines Quadruple boxes working together, couples twosome, tag the star back to a wave It's a zero!
7 #2 from left end of lines facing out Interlocked cols square the barge 3 - the action 2x8, #2 trailer in rh wave
8 Belle end in an 8 chain thru Interlocked cols right on 2-1/2 and roll along 2x8, #2 lead in rh wave
9 #2 from right end of facing lines Interlocked cols peel chain thru 4x4, trailing center of rh waves
10 Lead end of rh waves Interlocked boxes linear flow 4x4, trailing center of rh waves
11 #2 in rh cols Triple boxes working clockwise transaction 2x6, rh waves, trailing end
12 Trailing end of rh waves Interlocked waves bias coverup 2x8, #8 in lh cols
13 Trailing end of lh waves Interlocked waves tandem tag your neighbor 4x4, #4 in rh cols
14 3x4 waves, very center Triple waves working clockwise, regroup 2x6 facing lines, #3 from right end
15 Right end of facing lines Concentric, 1/4 stable recoil Left end of facing lines
16 #4 in lh col Phantom waves counter coverup 4x4, right end of facing lines
17 #4 in rh cols Phantom waves counter motivate 2x8, Trailing end of lh waves
18 Trailing end of rh 2-faced lines Quadruple boxes working together, tandem twosome, linear cycle 4x4, right end of outside line facing in
19 #3 in a grand rh wave Triple waves working apart, swing along 3x4, outside rh wave, center looking in
20 #1 in outside rh cols Phantom line cross chuck-a-luck 4x4, right end of lines facing out
21 #3 in lh col Interlocked col, tandem twosome, reflected loop & tag back to a wave = to U-turn back
22 #2 from left end of lines facing out Quadruple boxes working counter-clockwise ripsaw 4x4, right end of lines facing out
23 Lead center of lh 2-faced lines Phantom tandem twosome linear flow but cross it 2x8 couples lh 1-faced lines, #1 looking in
24 Beau end of full tag setup Tandem twosome rotate 1/4 lh 2-faced lines, trailing center
25 #1 in rh col Phantom lines rotate 1/2 2x8 as couples lh 2-faced lines, #1 looking in
26 #4 in rh col Phantom line tandem tag your neighbor about 4x4, #4 in outside lh col
27 #4 in grand lh wave Triple waves working apart, once removed, wheel and deal 2x6 rh waves, #1 looking in
28 Center belle of facing lines Triple boxes working apart, couples twosome, tag the star 3x4 cols, center of center col facing out
29 Center trailer of lh waves Triple boxes working apart recount 3x4 lines, very center
30 #3 in lh col Interlocked cols set your pace 2x8, #8 beau
31 2x8 cols, #8 belle Ph boxes, tandem twosome beau hop the top 4x4, #1 in lh cols
32 Trailing center of lh waves Matrix split phantom waves perkup 2x6 lines, #2 looking out
33 #3 in rh col Matrix split phantom cols, tandem twosome, reach out 2x6 lines, trailing beau in center triple box
34 Lead center of lh waves Matrix split phantom boxes ship ahoy 4x6, corner belle
35 #3 in grand rh 2-faced line 1x16 matrix phantom interlocked lines, piecewise once removed, lock the hinge Inter boxes, 2x8, #3 looking out
36 2x8, couples twosome rh waves trailing end Matrix split phantom boxes couples twosome scoot apart 1x12, #7 from my original end
37 # 2 in lh cols Interlocked cols, diagonal box, reflected loop and half tag 4x4, # 4 in outside rh col
38 Beau end in zero tag Stable, concentric, wheel thru Belle end of lh 2-faced lines
39 End belle of 8 chain thru Phantom offset cols square out 4x4, trailing end of rh waves
40 # 3 in lh cols Interlocked cols, diagonal box, vertical tag back to a wave 4x4, #1 in outside rh cols
41 # 2 in rh cols Phantom offset cols transaction 4x4, #1 in outside lh cols
42 Center lead in lh waves Triple boxes working apart snap the tag your leader 3x4 zero tag cols, end of center col
43 Left hand 1/4 box, belle end Phantom tandem 1/4 line stroll and cycle 4x4, #1 in lh butterfly
44 # 2 in a lh col Ph offset lines yoyo spin tag the deucey 2x8 rh waves, # 4 looking in
45 # 3 in a grand rh wave Once removed, as couples, couples twosome, quarter right Belle end of an 8 chain thru
46 # 3 in a 1x8 col, all looking out Once removed, tandem twosome, single shakedown Facing lines, # 2 from the left end
47 Butterfly 8 chain thru, end beau Butterfly, diagonal box swap around Butterfly tradeby, center beau
48 #4 in a grand lh wave Triple waves working together swing along 3x4 lh waves, trailing end of outside wave
49 2x8 rh waves, #2 looking out Matrix split phantom boxes kick the habit 4x6, #1 in normal rh cols
50 #4 in lh cols Matrix split phantom cols peel & trail 2x6, #2 in lh 6 person wave looking out
51 #3 in lh cols Matrix quadruple cols single file recycle 1X7, #4 (illegal call)
52 #2 in lh cols Matrix split phantom cols single file shakedown 2x6, #4 in rh 6 person cols
53 #4 in rh cols Phantom wave chain down the line 2x8, facing lines, #2
54 Belle center of 8 chain thru setup Split phantom boxes chain the square 4x4, #3 in rh cols
55 Belle end of trade-by setup Phantom couples twosome reflected chase your leader 4x4, #3 in normal rh cols
56 End beau of an 8 chain thru setup Matrix split phantom lines grand chain 8 2x6 cols, #3 in normal lh cols
57 Trailing center of rh 2-faced lines Phantom interlocked boxes cross cycle 2/3 4x4 (blocks), #4 in outside rh cols
58 Left end of facing lines Matrix quadruple boxes beau hop 4x7, #5 in "outside rh cols"
59 Left end of facing lines Matrix quad boxes working right beau hop 4xX6, #4 outside rh cols
60 Beau end of a full tag setup Quad boxes working forward, tandem twosome, single curli cross 4x4, left end of facing lines
61 Lead center of rh waves Ph int boxes, tandem, single, tag your leader 4x4, #3 in normal rh cols
62 Trailing center of lh waves Phantom interlocked boxes first cross sashay 2x8, lh 2-faced lines, # 2 lead
63 # 3 in a rh col Phantom interlocked col trapezoid, cut across 4x4, #4 in outside lh cols
64 Left end of lines facing out - now centers face out Split phantom boxes lift off 4x4, #1 in center rh cols
65 Center trailer of lh waves Phantom interlocked waves peel the wave 4x4, #4 in center lh cols
66 Center lead of lh waves Rewind matrix sp ph waves 3/4 thru 4x4, #3 in center rh col
67 Trailing end of lh waves Rewind relay the shadow 1x8, #3 in grand lh wave
68 Lead end of rh waves Random rewind reset Trailing end of rh waves
70 Trailing end of rh waves Random rewind invert your neighbor Grand rh wave, #2
71 Trailing center of lh waves Finish random tandem change the centers Lead end of rh waves
72 Trailing center of lh waves Random tandem finish change the centers Lead end of rh waves
73 Trailing Center of lh waves, now trailing end turn around (i.e. 3x1) 3x1 go first class 2x4, lead end of "normal" 3x1 lines
74 Beau end of rh 3/4 tag Rewind mini-busy trailing center of rh 2 f
75 #3 in lh cols Rewind beaus advance to a column end belle of trade-by
76 Beau center of a full tag Ph. Interlocked lines trip the set 2x8 facing lines, #2 from right end
77 Trailing end of lh 2-faced lines Ph. Column single cross and wheel 4x4, #4 in lh cols
78 Beau center of 0 tag - ends press back Triple boxes working apart, single file, cross & turn 3x4, center of center rh wave
79 Beau end of a 0 tag butterfly Ph interlocked line plan ahead 4x4, left end of normal facing lines
80 Trailing center of rh waves Rewind keep busy rh 2f, lead end
81 Lead in a rh box Piecewise Rewind, Shift 1, Reset Lead in a rh box
82 # 1 in rh col Split ph boxes, once removed, in reverse order, central rally 2x8, #4 in a regular rh col
83 lead center of rh waves Reverse order, initially cross concentric, recoil 1x8 lh waves, #3
84 #3 in rh cols. Initially Echo Once Removed Recoil Lead center of lh waves
85 Trailing center of rh 2-faced lines Piecewise Busy and 2/3 Cross Cycle Very center of rh interlocked diamonds
86 Trailing end of rh waves Finish, in reverse order, contour the line Lead center of rh waves
87 Trailing end of rh waves In reverse order, finish contour the line Trailing end of rh waves
88 Trailing end of rh waves Echo Sandwich Trade around Mix Lead center of rh waves
89 Trailing end of lh waves Once Removed, as couples, Latch On Lead center of rh 2f lines
90 Trailing center of rh waves Initially Relay the Diamond but, Flip Back Trailing end of lh waves
91 Trailing end of lh 2-faced lines Tandem 1/4 Twosome, Wheel & Deal & Roll #3 in rh cols
92 End of Grand rh 1-faced line Piecewise Echo Siamese Central Interlocked Little More #3 in rh cols
93 Right end of facing lines Finally Eight By Catch 3 2x4 T-Bone; trailing end of rh wave
94 #4 in grand rh wave 4x4 Cross & Divide Lines out; #2 from right end
95 End of center line in lh interlocked diamond, points facing initially centers, 1/4 wheel the ocean, 1-1/2 Belle end of 3x1 lines out
96 # 1 in rh columns Initially, initially tandem, initially twice recoil trailing center of lh waves
97 lead center of lh wave Initially reverse order mixer's motivate lead center of rh waves
98 # 2 in rh column Initially cooperate but central little more 2x4 T-bone, #2 in lh column
99 trailing end of rh waves Initially finish, settle back # 2 in rh columns
100 belle end of zero tag, all left truck Sandwich split phantom columns tandem belle hop around double your pleasure 4x4 (staggered mini-waves)

lead end of normal lh waves

101 lead center of lh waves Initially centers, settle back 2x4 T-bone; lead center of lh waves
102 # 3 in grand lh wave Finally central, finish outpost lead end of lh waves
103 Beau end of full tag, all left truck 4x4 matrix, couples twosome, in tandem, scoot and weave 4x4, #2 in normal lh cols
104 Lead center of rh waves In reverse order, flip reaction trailing end of rh waves
105 #3 in rh col Initially tandem, Echo Single, Follow Your Neighbor trailing end of rh waves
106 Trailing center of rh waves Initially add transfer the column to tandem 1/4 thru trailing center of rh waves
107 #4 in 1x8 col - all facing the center of the set, now both #4's turn around 3x1, single file, beau hop # 2 in 1x8 (3x1) line
108 End belle of trade-by setup Initially central, 2/3 counter shake very center of interlocked diamonds, ends facing
109 #4 in rh cols initially, oddly tandem, remaker's stimulate trailing center of rh waves


Created by Bill Heimann  

November 29, 2002