Importers Dances

An Importer weekend consists of four dances, two on Saturday and two on Sunday. Each dance consists of 8 tips of approximately 10 minutes each. There are no star tips. Callers are requested to use new material.

The Sunday Dances

The two Sunday dances are both C4, beginning at 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. The Sunday dances usually end about 4:30 pm. The "Importer level C4" is a more relaxed level than something like the Berkshires. Callers are requested to use all the C4 calls, but to not stack the concepts as deeply as they might.

The Saturday Dances

The two Saturday dances can vary in level. Starting with the September 8/9, 2001 weekend, they will be hard C3B. This means the dances are fast, hard, and there is no cueing. Dances start at 11:00 am and 3:00 pm.

What does this mean to me?

This means that if you are a good C3B dancer but are still working at improving your C4 skills, you are a good match for Importers. If you live within the greater Chicagoland area, you must be a member of Importers to attend the C4 dances. If you are from outside the area, you need to be invited to visit, but invitations are easy. Just click the Contact Us link and ask someone if it's appropriate that you attend.

2024 Dances

September 21/22 2024
C3B Saturday
C4 Sunday
Ryo Sasaki
November 16/17 2024C3B Saturday
C4 Sunday
Rob French

Dance Fees

$25 per person per dance for all dances.
$100 per person for the entire weekend.