Sd - Downloading for Unix Workstations

You can download Sd or Sdtty for a number of Unix workstations. These are compressed archives of the programs and documentation. The Unix "tar" command is used for archiving, and "gzip" is used for compression.

NOTE: It has been brought to my attention that shared libraries do not work properly on Linux. Specifically, a compilation on Debian 3.0 wouldn't run on Red Hat 6.2. Therefore, Sdtty uses statically linked libraries on all varieties of Unix, including Linux.

In general, these program archive files, when unpacked, will create the "sd" directory subordinate to the directory in which the unpacking takes place, and then place the files in same.

You can download the zipped documentation here. These are the same files that are presented on the documentation page. These documentation archives do not create a subordinate directory.
See also Downloading Sd for PC Compatibles.
Up to Sd home page.
Time-stamp: "30 August 2013"