C4: Calls, Week 4

(anyone) swivel
beep beep
centers cut out/ends cut in
chip off
clean sweep n/4
continue to invert another n/4
cross sashay
cut across
deuces wild
diamond inlet/oulet
diamond recycle
divi up
lead the class
lead the way
mini pleasure
nice and easy
pair the line/cross pair the line
peel the deal
press for time
reactivate/coordinate to a diamond
relay your pleasure
reverse change o
revert the roll 'em
set back
shadow to a diamond
short and sweet
siamese breakdown
single hinge and trade
spin chain the star
spin/fan back
splash (anything)
square the barge
straight away
stroll and cycle
tag circulate
triple cast
turn and weave
veer and turn

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